Read! Read! Read! You can also listen to someone else read or tell you a story. Read or listen to anything you like: books, audiobooks, e-books, magazines, comics, or newspapers. Set a goal to read every day.

You can read or listen to stories whenever and wherever you like, in any language.

In your reading record, there are seven pages, one for each week. Colour or circle one of the symbols for each day that you read (one symbol = one day of reading).­

Use the space beside the symbol to write down what you read that day. If you read the same book over several days, you can just write down the pages or chapters you read. If you read more than one book in a day, write down the one you liked best.

When you have read for at least 7 days, you’ll get a sticker!

Visit the library often to get new books and to take part in fun summer activities!

For more Summer Reading Club fun, check out our website: