BC SRC 2024 Staff Survey and Evaluation of Outcomes

Please take a moment to review this year's survey. As always, our goal is to maintain the intrinsic value of the BC SRC while improving our ability to measure outcomes and provide our funders with accountability. To that end, it is essential that each library SYSTEM (NOT BRANCH LIBRARIES OR INDIVIDUALS) complete the survey. By all means consult your staff, but please report only once. Our future funding is dependent on us reporting this information. Please spend some time reviewing the questions beforehand so that you and your staff will be comfortable answering them. Please note, the survey deadline is September 29th, 2024. We need all surveys in by that date in order to report back to our funders in time for next year's application. If you would like a copy of your survey, please email the BC SRC Provincial Coordinator at bcsrc[at]bcla.bc.ca. Thank you for your efforts — this information will help us to guide the evolution of the BC SRC and ensure its relevancy.

"*" indicates required fields

1. Library Reporting

Name of individual reporting*

2. Training, Development, and Staffing

Please feel free to include any virtual events in this section. Please specify the number of volunteers, summer students, and/or staff TRAINED or DEVELOPED as a direct result of the BC SRC. If none are applicable, please enter '0':
If your library does not have volunteers, please enter '0'.

3. School Visits

For each category, please enter the total number (without commas), even if that number is '0'. We appreciate this is a difficult task, so just do your best! Please note that virtual class visits shoudl also be counted.
Please count each class in a school as one visit.
Include all children present during school visits.
Include all adults present during school visits.
If not applicable, please enter '0'
When do you conduct school visits?*

4. Registration

Please enter your registration statistics for in-person and online registration. Your online registration stats are available on the BC SRC Online Tracker Staff Dashboard. Please do not count children who have marked that they picked up a reading record at your library, only children who did not/unsure if they picked up reading records.
(number only):
(number only; please only include those who indicated that they were not picking up or uncertain of picking up a reading record at the library as noted in the stats report):
Did your library notice an increase this year?*
From 2023 registration numbers
Did your library start class visits, promote at an event, etc.?
When does your library begin registration?
Does your library hand out reading records to participants who are not yet school aged?*
BC SRC is trying to better understand the ages that we serve and how libraries serve their communities.
Do you keep track of age groups or class grades when registering your participants?*
(number only):

5. Evaluation

How does your library use the medals?*

6. Community Events

Please feel free to include any virtual events in this section. Please indicate total number of each type of Community Event your library/system participated in. If an event may be represented by more than one category, please enter in all that apply (i.e. one event may be captured under multiple categories). If your library did not participate in Community Events, please enter '0'.
Focus of Community Events participated in:
Please select all that apply.
Include all children present during Community Events. If none present, please enter '0'.
Include all adults present during Community Events. If none present, please enter '0'.

6. In-Library Events

Please feel free to include any virtual events in this section. For each category, please enter the total number (without commas), even if that number is '0':
Include all children present during In-Library Events. If none present, please enter '0'.
Include all adults present during In-Library Events. If none present, please enter '0'.
How many SRC-related programs did your library offer for the following groups:*
All ages
Ages 5-9
Ages 10-12+
We understand that libraries may not follow the same age categories. Please try to match the age groups as close to your programs as possible.
If no programs were offered for the 10-12+ age group, what are some of the reasons:
Please select all that apply.
Of the total number of In-Library events, how many:*
Events were delivered in ASL (in part or fully)
Children were reached in ASL-language events
Adults were reached in ASL-language events
If none are applicable, please enter '0'
Of the total number of In-Library events, how many:*
Events were delivered in French (in part or fully)
Children were reached in French-language events
Adults were reached in French-language events
If none are applicable, please enter '0'
Of the total number of In-Library events, how many:*
Events were delivered in an Indigenous language (in part or fully)
Children were reached in Indigenous-language events
Adults were reached in Indigenous-language events
If none are applicable, please enter '0'
Please indicate any languages (other than English) you deliver programs in at your library (in part or fully)

7. Partnerships

Please include any "virtual" partnerships. For each category, please indicate the total number of formal and informal partnerships you developed through collaboration as a direct result of the BC SRC at your library. If your library did not develop partnerships, please enter '0'.
Number of Partnerships developed:*
Local businesses (e.g. restaurants, stores)
Local services (e.g. fire station, police)
Local government
Newcomer Groups
First Nations bands
Groups with an Indigenous focus (e.g. day camps)
Literacy organizations
Local media

8. Quantities (Core Materials)

As we continue to refine the "Core Materials Packages", please indicate how closely the quantities you received matched your needs. Please note additional quantities of stickers and posters are provided intentionally. See below for more details.
Reading Records*
Stickers (5% allocated to accommodate visitors)*
Libraries are provided with a base quantity of medals in proportion to their quantity of reading records.

9. Manual

Does your library use the Manual?*
If your library uses the BC SRC manual, who are the primary users? Please check all that apply.*
If your library uses the BC SRC Manual, which sections do you use? Please check all that apply.
Do you print the manual or use it online only?

10. Staff Website, Public Website, and Online Reading Tracker

Staff Website: https://bcsrc.ca/staff/ Public Website: https://bcsrc.ca/ Online Reading Tracker: https://app.bcsrc.ca/
Which items do you use from the Resources page of BC SRC Staff website? Please check all that apply.*
Did your library refer participants to use the online reading tracker app (through posters, when staff registered participants, etc.)?*
Did your library add a welcome message and/or include library events on the BC SRC online reading tracker?*
Did your library refer participants to bcsrc.ca to look for online activities (through posters, when staff registered participants, etc.)?*

11. Accessibility

This can include promoting the online reading tracker, creating accessible environments for SRC events, promoting alternative reading materials, etc.
Would you and/or your staff be interested in training and professional development opportunities regarding how to make your SRC programming more accessible and inclusive?

12. Final Thoughts

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.