Have you ever wanted to Ask an Astronomer….

    • Is the black hole black?
    • Why does space have so many planets?
    • How may stars are in the Universe?
    • How do stars glow?
    • What do stars eat?
    • How many black holes are there?
    • How hot is the sun?
    • Why is there such a thing as space?

Here’s your chance!

Coming this summer, Astronomer Rachel Wang, will be on hand to answer your space questions! During these free events, learn what to look for in our summer nighttime sky! Find out about the newest exoplanet! Learn what would happen if you fell into a black hole!

The Ask an Astronomer events will be streamed live via Youtube (links below). You are welcome to submit your question for Rachel using the form at the bottom of this page or via the YouTube chat feature during the event. (You do not require a YouTube account to do this. Just be sure to grab your grownup and please do not share any personal information with your question.)

Event Details

Wednesday, July 15 recording

Topic: Things you can see from your own backyard, and your questions!

Wednesday, August 12 recording

Topic: Living in space, the Perseids meteor shower, and your questions!

Cool things:

Stargazing apps are a great way to navigate the night sky. The Space Centre has a list of favourites which you can find here (just scroll down to the bottom of the page). There you’ll also find instructions on how to make your own planisphere/star finder.

You can also do an internet search for “stargazing apps” to find additional options.

Comet Neowise is visible in the sky now! This is your once in 6,800-years opportunity to this comet! Here’s some information on how to find it in the sky.

Astronomer Biography

Rachel Wang

Rachel Wang is the astronomer at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre and recent UBC graduate in physics and astronomy. Her formal role is being the content knowledge expert, while also striving to educate and inspire students of all ages that walk through the space centre’s doors. At UBC, she researched blazars using the UBC CTIO telescope in Chile and completed her undergraduate thesis on ultra-cold neutrons at TRIUMF. In her spare time, she dreams of discovering what dark matter is made of and becoming a CSA astronaut.