Are you ready to Journey Through Time this summer?
We’re so excited to have you Journey Through Time with us this summer! Check back starting on July 3rd for new and fun weekly activities and challenges.
Show Us Your Library Challenge
Kids all over BC participate in BC Summer Reading Club, and this year we have libraries from the Yukon, Yellowknife, and Nunavut participating in the program!
We want to see where you are participating from!
Email a photo of your library (just the library – no people in the photo!) to [email protected] and include the following information:
- where your library is located,
- what it is called,
- your name and age.
We will collect all of the photos we receive and add them to a slideshow.
Come back to this webpage all summer long to see our photo collection grow!
For an added challenge: you can send us a drawing of your library instead!